References for the Benefits of Natural Marine Extract™ Compounds

Arachidonic acid, Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid: Improve all four phases of wound healing and rejuvenation.

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Liang Qi, Ahmed Faruq, Zhang Miansong, Sperou Niki, Franco Christopher M. M., Feng Qianjin, Zhang Wei. In Vivo and Clinical Studies of Sea Cucumber-Derived Bioactives for Human Health and Nutrition From 2012-
2021, Frontiers in Marine Science Volume 9 – 2022 DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.917857 ISSN=2296-7745

Andryukov BG, Besednova NN, Kuznetsova TA, Zaporozhets TS, Ermakova SP, Zvyagintseva TN, Chingizova EA, Gazha AK, Smolina TP. Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Algae as a Basis of Modern
Biotechnologies for Creating Wound Dressings: Current Achievements and Future Prospects. Biomedicines. 2020 Aug 22;8(9):301. doi:10.3390/biomedicines8090301. PMID: 32842682; PMC7554790.

Sofrona E, Tziveleka LA, Harizani M, Koroli P, Sfiniadakis I, Roussis V, Rallis M, Ioannou E. In Vivo Evaluation of the Wound Healing Activity of Extracts and Bioactive Constituents of the Marine Isopod Ceratothoa
oestroides. Mar Drugs. 2020 Apr 18;18(4):219. doi: 10.3390/md18040219. PMID: 32325719; PMCID: PMC7230750.

Zhihong Zheng, Mengqi Li, Pengfei Jiang, Na Sun, Songyi Lin, Peptides derived from sea cucumber accelerate cells proliferation and migration for wound healing by promoting energy metabolism and upregulating the
ERK/AKT pathway, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 921, 2022, 174885, ISSN 0014-2999,

Yang H, Zhang Q, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wang N. Potential Active Marine Peptides as Anti-Aging Drugs or Drug Candidates. Mar Drugs. 2023 Feb 23;21(3):144. doi: 10.3390/md21030144. 36976193; PMC10053682.

Lalzawmliana, V., Mukherjee, P., Roy, S., Nandi, S.K. (2023). Current Marine-Derived Materials for Tissue Regeneration Applications. Maia, F.R.A., Oliveira, J.M., Reis, R.L. (eds) Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix. Springer, Cham.

Fredalina BD, Ridzwan BH, Zainal Abidin AA, Kaswandi MA, Zaiton H, Zali I, Kittakoop P, Jais AM. Fatty acid compositions in local sea cucumber, Stichopus chloronotus for wound healing. Gen. Pharmacol. 1999;33:337–340.

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Ubiquitin: Facilitates DNA transcriptions and repair, and ribosome biogenesis that benefits cellular function and rejuvenation. Improves immune response against many viruses and pathogens.

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Andryukov BG, Besednova NN, Kuznetsova TA, Zaporozhets TS, Ermakova SP, Zvyagintseva TN, Chingizova EA, Gazha AK, Smolina TP. Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Algae as a Basis of Modern
Biotechnologies for Creating Wound Dressings: Current Achievements and Future Prospects. Biomedicines. 2020 Aug 22;8(9):301. doi:10.3390/biomedicines8090301. PMID: 32842682; PMC7554790.

Yang H, Zhang Q, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wang N. Potential Active Marine Peptides as Anti-Aging Drugs or Drug Candidates. Mar Drugs. 2023 Feb 23;21(3):144. doi: 10.3390/md21030144. 36976193; PMC10053682.

Lalzawmliana, V., Mukherjee, P., Roy, S., Nandi, S.K. (2023). Current Marine-Derived Materials for Tissue Regeneration Applications. Maia, F.R.A., Oliveira, J.M., Reis, R.L. (eds) Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix. Springer, Cham.

Goldstein G, Scheid M, Hammerling U, Schlesinger DH, Niall HD, Boyse EA (January 1975). PMC 432229 "Isolation of a polypeptide that has lymphocyte-differentiating properties and is probably represented universally in living cells". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 72(1): 11–5. doi:10.1073/pnas.72.1.11.  PMID 1078892.

Hochstrasser M (March 2009). PMC 2819001 "Origin and function of ubiquitin-like proteins". Nature. 458 (7237): 422–9. doi:10.1038/nature07958. PMID 19325621.

Kimura Y, Tanaka K (June 2010). doi:10.1093/jb/mvq044 "Regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of ubiquitin homeostasis". Journal of Biochemistry. 147 (6): 793–8. PMID 20418328.

Triterpenoid glycoside saponin, Philinospide E and Lipopopy saccharide: Anti-inflammatory and free radical quencher.

Yang H, Zhang Q, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wang N. Potential Active Marine Peptides as Anti-Aging Drugs or Drug Candidates. Mar Drugs. 2023 Feb 23;21(3):144. doi: 10.3390/md21030144. 36976193; PMC10053682.

Liang Qi, Ahmed Faruq, Zhang Miansong, Sperou Niki, Franco Christopher M. M., Feng Qianjin, Zhang Wei. In Vivo and Clinical Studies of Sea Cucumber-Derived Bioactives for Human Health and Nutrition From 2012-
2021, Frontiers in Marine Science Volume 9 – 2022 DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.917857 ISSN=2296-7745

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Kerr R, Chen Z. In vivo and in vitro biosynthesis of saponins in sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) J. Nat. Prod. 1995;58:172–176.

Miyamoto T, Togawa K, Higuchi R, Komori T, Sasaki T. Constituents of Holothuroidea, II. Six newly identified biologically active triterpenoid glycoside sulfates from the sea cucumber Cucumaria echinata. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 1990:453–460. 1990.

Sun P, Liu BS, Yi YH, Li L, Gui M, Tang HF, Zhang DZ, Zhang SL. A new cytotoxic lanostane-type triterpene glycoside from the sea cucumber Holothuria impatiens. Chem. Biodivers. 2007;4:450–457.

Zou Z, Yi Y, Wu H, Wu J, Liaw C, Lee K. Intercedensides A–C, three new cytotoxic triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Mensamaria intercedens Lampert. J. Nat. Prod. 2003;66:1055–1060.

Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate: Anti-inflammatory that quelches free radicals.

Zhihong Zheng, Mengqi Li, Pengfei Jiang, Na Sun, Songyi Lin, Peptides derived from sea cucumber accelerate cells proliferation and migration for wound healing by promoting energy metabolism and upregulating the
ERK/AKT pathway, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 921, 2022, 174885, ISSN 0014-2999,

Lalzawmliana, V., Mukherjee, P., Roy, S., Nandi, S.K. (2023). Current Marine-Derived Materials for Tissue Regeneration Applications. Maia, F.R.A., Oliveira, J.M., Reis, R.L. (eds) Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix. Springer, Cham.

Yang H, Zhang Q, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wang N. Potential Active Marine Peptides as Anti-Aging Drugs or Drug Candidates. Mar Drugs. 2023 Feb 23;21(3):144. doi: 10.3390/md21030144. 36976193; PMC10053682.

Liang Qi, Ahmed Faruq, Zhang Miansong, Sperou Niki, Franco Christopher M. M., Feng Qianjin, Zhang Wei. In Vivo and Clinical Studies of Sea Cucumber-Derived Bioactives for Human Health and Nutrition From 2012-
2021, Frontiers in Marine Science Volume 9 – 2022 DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.917857 ISSN=2296-7745

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Collin PD. Tissue fraction of sea cucumber for the treatment of inflammation. 5,770,205. United State Patent. 1998 23 June;

Vieira RP, Mulloy B, Mourão PA. Structure of a fucose-branched chondroitin sulphate from sea cucumber. Evidence for the presence of 3-O-sulfo-β-D-glucuronosyl residues. J. Biol. Chem. 1991;266:13530–13536.

Tian F, Zhang X, Tong Y, Yi Y, Zhang S, Li L, Sun P, Lin L, Ding J. PE, a new sulfated saponin from sea cucumber, exhibits anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor activities in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Biol. Ther. 2005;4:874–882.

Hemocyanin: Immune defense stimulator.  Improves all aspects of wound healing, especially the proliferative and remodeling phases.

Li YX, Himaya SW, Kim SK. Triterpenoids of marine origin as anti-cancer agents. Molecules. 2013;18(7):7886-7909. Published 2013 Jul 4. doi:10.3390/molecules18077886

Zhihong Zheng, Mengqi Li, Pengfei Jiang, Na Sun, Songyi Lin, Peptides derived from sea cucumber accelerate cells proliferation and migration for wound healing by promoting energy metabolism and upregulating the
ERK/AKT pathway, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 921, 2022, 174885, ISSN 0014-2999,

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Andryukov BG, Besednova NN, Kuznetsova TA, Zaporozhets TS, Ermakova SP, Zvyagintseva TN, Chingizova EA, Gazha AK, Smolina TP. Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Algae as a Basis of Modern
Biotechnologies for Creating Wound Dressings: Current Achievements and Future Prospects. Biomedicines. 2020 Aug 22;8(9):301. doi:10.3390/biomedicines8090301. PMID: 32842682; PMC7554790.

Sofrona E, Tziveleka LA, Harizani M, Koroli P, Sfiniadakis I, Roussis V, Rallis M, Ioannou E. In Vivo Evaluation of the Wound Healing Activity of Extracts and Bioactive Constituents of the Marine Isopod Ceratothoa
oestroides. Mar Drugs. 2020 Apr 18;18(4):219. doi: 10.3390/md18040219. PMID: 32325719; PMCID: PMC7230750.

Lalzawmliana, V., Mukherjee, P., Roy, S., Nandi, S.K. (2023). Current Marine-Derived Materials for Tissue Regeneration Applications. Maia, F.R.A., Oliveira, J.M., Reis, R.L. (eds) Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix. Springer, Cham.

Musselli, C., Livingston, P.O. & Ragupathi, G. Keyhole limpet hemocyanin conjugate vaccines against cancer: The Memorial Sloan Kettering experience. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 127, R20–R26 (2001).

Antibody administration has been shown to eradicate tumor in experimental animals and in humans [6, 16, 18, 17, 42, 38, 31, 27, 47, 30, 19]. Here we review our experience in breaking tolerance to various tumor antigens by keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-conjugates in …

Calmodulin: Mediates inflammation and metabolism. Maximizes immune response. Important adjunct to wound healing

Zhihong Zheng, Mengqi Li, Pengfei Jiang, Na Sun, Songyi Lin, Peptides derived from sea cucumber accelerate cells proliferation and migration for wound healing by promoting energy metabolism and upregulating the
ERK/AKT pathway, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 921, 2022, 174885, ISSN 0014-2999,

Sofrona E, Tziveleka LA, Harizani M, Koroli P, Sfiniadakis I, Roussis V, Rallis M, Ioannou E. In Vivo Evaluation of the Wound Healing Activity of Extracts and Bioactive Constituents of the Marine Isopod Ceratothoa
oestroides. Mar Drugs. 2020 Apr 18;18(4):219. doi: 10.3390/md18040219. PMID: 32325719; PMCID: PMC7230750.

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Li YX, Himaya SW, Kim SK. Triterpenoids of marine origin as anti-cancer agents. Molecules. 2013;18(7):7886-7909. Published 2013 Jul 4. doi:10.3390/molecules18077886

Stevens FC (August 1983). "Calmodulin: an introduction". Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 61 (8): 906–10. doi:10.1139/o83-115. PMID 6313166

Nucleoplasmin: facilitates the transport between cellular nuclei and its cytoplasm. Improves cellular function and health, important in cell division (such as wound healing).

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Zhihong Zheng, Mengqi Li, Pengfei Jiang, Na Sun, Songyi Lin, Peptides derived from sea cucumber accelerate cells proliferation and migration for wound healing by promoting energy metabolism and upregulating the
ERK/AKT pathway, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 921, 2022, 174885, ISSN 0014-2999,

Liang Qi, Ahmed Faruq, Zhang Miansong, Sperou Niki, Franco Christopher M. M., Feng Qianjin, Zhang Wei. In Vivo and Clinical Studies of Sea Cucumber-Derived Bioactives for Human Health and Nutrition From 2012-
2021, Frontiers in Marine Science Volume 9 – 2022 DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.917857 ISSN=2296-7745

Andryukov BG, Besednova NN, Kuznetsova TA, Zaporozhets TS, Ermakova SP, Zvyagintseva TN, Chingizova EA, Gazha AK, Smolina TP. Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Algae as a Basis of Modern
Biotechnologies for Creating Wound Dressings: Current Achievements and Future Prospects. Biomedicines. 2020 Aug 22;8(9):301. doi:10.3390/biomedicines8090301. PMID: 32842682; PMC7554790.

Sofrona E, Tziveleka LA, Harizani M, Koroli P, Sfiniadakis I, Roussis V, Rallis M, Ioannou E. In Vivo Evaluation of the Wound Healing Activity of Extracts and Bioactive Constituents of the Marine Isopod Ceratothoa
oestroides. Mar Drugs. 2020 Apr 18;18(4):219. doi: 10.3390/md18040219. PMID: 32325719; PMCID: PMC7230750.

Jun, SHUTe; Zhou, ZHANGYao (2007). "Nucleoplasmin, an Important Nuclear Chaperone". Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biol. 23 (9): 718–723.

Ferritin: Stores iron and improves mitochondrial function. Maximizes cellular function in mitosis (wound healing). Maximizes nutrient delivery, especially to healing processes

Liang Qi, Ahmed Faruq, Zhang Miansong, Sperou Niki, Franco Christopher M. M., Feng Qianjin, Zhang Wei. In Vivo and Clinical Studies of Sea Cucumber-Derived Bioactives for Human Health and Nutrition From 2012-
2021, Frontiers in Marine Science Volume 9 – 2022 ISSN=2296-7745

Andryukov BG, Besednova NN, Kuznetsova TA, Zaporozhets TS, Ermakova SP, Zvyagintseva TN, Chingizova EA, Gazha AK, Smolina TP. Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Algae as a Basis of Modern
Biotechnologies for Creating Wound Dressings: Current Achievements and Future Prospects. Biomedicines. 2020 Aug 22;8(9):301. doi:10.3390/biomedicines8090301. PMID: 32842682; PMC7554790.

Sofrona E, Tziveleka LA, Harizani M, Koroli P, Sfiniadakis I, Roussis V, Rallis M, Ioannou E. In Vivo Evaluation of the Wound Healing Activity of Extracts and Bioactive Constituents of the Marine Isopod Ceratothoa
oestroides. Mar Drugs. 2020 Apr 18;18(4):219. doi: 10.3390/md18040219. PMID: 32325719; PMCID: PMC7230750.

Zhihong Zheng, Mengqi Li, Pengfei Jiang, Na Sun, Songyi Lin, Peptides derived from sea cucumber accelerate cells proliferation and migration for wound healing by promoting energy metabolism and upregulating the
ERK/AKT pathway, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 921, 2022, 174885, ISSN 0014-2999,

Langlois d'Estaintot B, Santambrogio P, Granier T, Gallois B, Chevalier JM, Précigoux G, Levi S, Arosio P (July 2004). "Crystal structure and biochemical properties of the human mitochondrial ferritin and its mutant Ser144Ala". Journal of Molecular Biology. 340 (2): 277–93. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2004.04.036. PMID 15201052

Cathepsin D: Activates growth factors, prohormones and proenzymes which are essential for cellular rejuvenation. The mechanism of action probably involves lengthening telomeres. Facilitates amino acids sequencing.

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Liang Qi, Ahmed Faruq, Zhang Miansong, Sperou Niki, Franco Christopher M. M., Feng Qianjin, Zhang Wei. In Vivo and Clinical Studies of Sea Cucumber-Derived Bioactives for Human Health and Nutrition From 2012-
2021, Frontiers in Marine Science Volume 9 – 2022 DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.917857 ISSN=2296-7745

Yang H, Zhang Q, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wang N. Potential Active Marine Peptides as Anti-Aging Drugs or Drug Candidates. Mar Drugs. 2023 Feb 23;21(3):144. doi: 10.3390/md21030144. 36976193; PMC10053682.

Lalzawmliana, V., Mukherjee, P., Roy, S., Nandi, S.K. (2023). Current Marine-Derived Materials for Tissue Regeneration Applications. Maia, F.R.A., Oliveira, J.M., Reis, R.L. (eds) Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix. Springer, Cham.

Glycosaminoglycan: Essential for regulation and proliferation of cell growth; key compound in all four phases of wound healing and cellular rejuvenation.

Yang H, Zhang Q, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wang N. Potential Active Marine Peptides as Anti-Aging Drugs or Drug Candidates. Mar Drugs. 2023 Feb 23;21(3):144. doi: 10.3390/md21030144. 36976193; PMC10053682.

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Liang Qi, Ahmed Faruq, Zhang Miansong, Sperou Niki, Franco Christopher M. M., Feng Qianjin, Zhang Wei. In Vivo and Clinical Studies of Sea Cucumber-Derived Bioactives for Human Health and Nutrition From 2012-
2021, Frontiers in Marine Science Volume 9 – 2022 DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.917857 ISSN=2296-7745

Lalzawmliana, V., Mukherjee, P., Roy, S., Nandi, S.K. (2023). Current Marine-Derived Materials for Tissue Regeneration Applications. Maia, F.R.A., Oliveira, J.M., Reis, R.L. (eds) Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix. Springer, Cham.

Andryukov BG, Besednova NN, Kuznetsova TA, Zaporozhets TS, Ermakova SP, Zvyagintseva TN, Chingizova EA, Gazha AK, Smolina TP. Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Algae as a Basis of Modern
Biotechnologies for Creating Wound Dressings: Current Achievements and Future Prospects. Biomedicines. 2020 Aug 22;8(9):301. doi:10.3390/biomedicines8090301. PMID: 32842682; PMC7554790.

Sofrona E, Tziveleka LA, Harizani M, Koroli P, Sfiniadakis I, Roussis V, Rallis M, Ioannou E. In Vivo Evaluation of the Wound Healing Activity of Extracts and Bioactive Constituents of the Marine Isopod Ceratothoa
oestroides. Mar Drugs. 2020 Apr 18;18(4):219. doi: 10.3390/md18040219. PMID: 32325719; PMCID: PMC7230750.

Zhihong Zheng, Mengqi Li, Pengfei Jiang, Na Sun, Songyi Lin, Peptides derived from sea cucumber accelerate cells proliferation and migration for wound healing by promoting energy metabolism and upregulating the
ERK/AKT pathway, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 921, 2022, 174885, ISSN 0014-2999,

Nagase H, Enjyoji K, Minamiguchi K, Kitazato KT, Kitazato K, Saito H, Kato H. Depolymerized holothurian glycosaminoglycan with novel anticoagulant actions: Antithrombin III-and heparin cofactor II-independent inhibition of factor X activation by factor IXa-factor VIIIa complex and heparin cofactor II-dependent inhibition of thrombin. Blood. 1995;85:1527–1534.

Pacheco RG, Vicente CP, Zancan P, Mourão PAS. Different antithrombotic mechanisms among glycosaminoglycans revealed with a new fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from an echinoderm. Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis. 2000;11:563–573.

Funderburgh, JL. (2000). "Keratan sulfate: structure, biosynthesis, and function". Glycobiology. 10 (10): 951–8. doi:10.1093/glycob/10.10.951. PMID 11030741.

Sasisekharan, Ram; Raman, Rahul; Prabhakar, Vikas (August 2006). "Glycomics Approach to Structure-Function Relationships of Glycosaminoglycans". Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering. 8 (1): 181–231.

"glycosaminoglycan" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary

Caligur, Vicki (2008). "Glycosaminoglycan Sulfation and Signaling". Retrieved 25 November 2012.

Lectin: Mitogenic stimulation of lymphosytes to improve the immune system against infection, cancer and mobilization of healing wounds

Mojica ERE, Merca FE. Biological properties of lectin from sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra Jäger) J. Biol. Sci. 2005;5:472–477.

Glycosaminoglycan and Proteoglycan in Skin Aging
Dong Hun Lee et al. J Dermatol Sci. J Dermatol Sci; 2016 Sep; 83(3):174-81.
doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2016.05.016. Epub 2016 May 27.
Authors : Dong Hun Lee 1, Jang-Hee Oh 1, Jin Ho Chung 2

Bioactive Peptides: Anti-inflammatory; anti-oxidation; antimicrobial against viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens.

Li YX, Himaya SW, Kim SK. Triterpenoids of marine origin as anti-cancer agents. Molecules. 2013;18(7):7886-7909. Published 2013 Jul 4. doi:10.3390/molecules18077886

Zhihong Zheng, Mengqi Li, Pengfei Jiang, Na Sun, Songyi Lin, Peptides derived from sea cucumber accelerate cells proliferation and migration for wound healing by promoting energy metabolism and upregulating the
ERK/AKT pathway, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 921, 2022, 174885, ISSN 0014-2999,

Yang H, Zhang Q, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wang N. Potential Active Marine Peptides as Anti-Aging Drugs or Drug Candidates. Mar Drugs. 2023 Feb 23;21(3):144. doi: 10.3390/md21030144. 36976193; PMC10053682.

Andryukov BG, Besednova NN, Kuznetsova TA, Zaporozhets TS, Ermakova SP, Zvyagintseva TN, Chingizova EA, Gazha AK, Smolina TP. Sulfated Polysaccharides from Marine Algae as a Basis of Modern
Biotechnologies for Creating Wound Dressings: Current Achievements and Future Prospects. Biomedicines. 2020 Aug 22;8(9):301. doi:10.3390/biomedicines8090301. PMID: 32842682; PMC7554790.

Collin PD. Peptides having anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activity. 6,767,890. United State Patent. 2004 27 July;

Food Quality and Safety, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1 March 2017, Pages 29–46, Published: 12 April 2017

Beauregard KA, Truong NT, Zhang H, Lin W, Beck G. The detection and isolation of a novel antimicrobial peptide from the echinoderm, Cucumaria frondosa. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 2001;484:55–62.

Methyltetradeconoic acid: Antimicrobial activity especially against viral and bacterial pathogens.

Park JI, Bae HR, Kim CG, Stonik VA, Kwak JY. Relationships between chemical structures and functions of triterpene glycosides isolated from sea cucumbers. Front Chem. 2014 Sep 9;2:77. doi:0.3389/fchem.2014.00077. PMID: 25250309; PMC4159031.

Liang Qi, Ahmed Faruq, Zhang Miansong, Sperou Niki, Franco Christopher M. M., Feng Qianjin, Zhang Wei. In Vivo and Clinical Studies of Sea Cucumber-Derived Bioactives for Human Health and Nutrition From 2012-
2021, Frontiers in Marine Science Volume 9 – 2022 DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.917857 ISSN=2296-7745

Lawrence AJ, Afifi R, Ahmed M, Khalifa S, Paget T. Bioactivity as an options value of sea cucumbers in the Egyptian Red Sea. Conserv. Biol. 2009;24:217–225.