Bruising Prophylaxis and Treatment
Repeated bruising in the same area of skin usually creates one or two types of pigmentation deposition: hemosiderin and melanin. These pigment compounds can “stain” this area of skin for years as well as increase the weakness of this papillary-reticular dermal space making bruising even easier. It also produces these dark “permanent” blotches which people hate almost as much as the bruising itself. This is so embarrassing and common that many commercial cosmetic products have been developed with the sole purpose to COVER UP THE BRUISING! Miracle Dressing Wound Care System Miracle Dressing promotes healing and stabilizes vulnerable skin to prevent recurring bruising.
First, Second and Superficial Third Degree Burns, Abrasions and Superficial Avulsions
Second and third degree burns, skin abrasions and skin avulsions are among the most painful injuries not only at the time of the injury, but each and every day when the wound dressings are changed. Daily wound changes are necessary because these injuries create a tremendous amount of exudate and blood which, if left in place, dramatically increase the chance of infection.
Skin Tears
Skin Tears are acute traumatic injuries involving the separation (flap) of the epidermis/ papillary dermis from the deeper reticular dermis. These most commonly occur in elderly people who have thin, fragile skin. The skin tears usually result from shear force applied to the skin from friction or trauma. Miracle Dressing Wound Care System allows the skin tear wound to heal without disruption while the surrounding skin remains trauma free. MDS falls off on its own after 21-28 days which is usually at the point when the wound is healed.
Bullous Pemphigoid
Bullous pemphigoid is a rare blistering disease, most commonly found
in the elderly. It is caused by the patient’s immune system attacking
its own skin at the sub-epidermal level (below the epidermis and in the
upper dermis). This disease has a multiple year course. Commonly these
firm intact blisters are found in the skin folds of the axilla, knees,
elbows, and abdomen. These bulla produce severe itching; scratching of
course slows the healing and increases the propensity for infection.
These elderly patients have a very difficult time treating this
horribly uncomfortable disease. Changing wound dressings daily is
overwhelming. These dressing changes not only disrupt the wound
healing, but also irritate the surrounding skin and can cause more
bullous pemphigoid. This prolonged slow healing wound in the elderly
patient has an increased chance of infection. Thus, these patients,
especially during an exacerbation, usually need hospitalization.
Miracle professional dressing is truly a miracle for these patients.
The 21 days stay in place dressing, not only eliminates changing
dressings daily, or twice a day. It stabilizes the blister skin and
protects the surrounding area from any trauma. The Natural Marine
Extract speeds up the healing of the wound, and strengthen the
resilience of the surrounding skin.
Pressure Sore Complications from Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) very often lead to pressure skin injuries and wounds. Miracle Dressing Wound Care System has been shown to both help prevent and heal pressure injuries and Stage 1 and 2 wounds
Stopping these injuries/wounds saves stress to the patient and his/her family, reduces costly healing treatments, halts further advancement of the injury, and limits the scarring tissue that predisposes the skin to further breakdown. This is because healed and scar tissue is weaker than normal skin.
Surgical Closures – Replacing External Sutures
After 5 to 14 days, epithelial tracking follows the sutures into the dermis, generating fistulas which can produce cysts, abscesses, or suture tracts (“railroad tracking”). All of these promote scar formation. If a surgeon removes all tension on the wound by placing deep, absorbable sutures, using the Miracle Dressing Wound Care System will eliminate the need for external sutures.
Pressure Injury Prevention and Healing Stage 1 & 2 Pressure Wounds
On average every year, approximately 2.5 million patients across the United States acquire new pressure injuries/wounds and approximately 60,000 of these patients die from pressure wound complications. Minimizing dressing changes is central to not only good wound care, but also the prevention of pressure injuries.