Peer Reviewed Study Using a 21-Day Wound Care System with Marine Extracts San Diego Dermatology Symposium Sept 2020 NADONA Conf Nov 2020 SAWC Spring 2022 Wild on Wounds Sept 2023

Our results showed superior healing using the 21-day breathable, stay-in-place dressing with marine extracts. It also showed reduced signs of surrounding skin disruption and pain as compared to traditional bandages. These results may be due to wound stripping that occurs with bandage changes in the control group, as well as the air breathability and liquid permeability of Miracle Dressing. Moreover, the marine extracts may have been responsible for the decreased skin xerosis and micro-fissures in surrounding areas which can cause inflammation, bacterial colonization and slow wound healing. We have also used Miracle Dressing dressing for skin tears, second and early third-degree burns, ecchymoses, pressure injuries and their prevention with remarkable success. The attached peer reviewed study was done with Miracle Dressing Wound Care System. Miracle Professional Dressing (Peel and Place) is the new more user friendly version of the previous Miracle Dressing Wound Care System.