How to Apply Miracle Dressing Wound Care System Expanded Kit
Miracle Dressing Wound Care System (MDS) Expanded Kit Application Video
Please watch the Sacral Kit Application video first before this video
Applying MDS to Elbow - Allowing for Bending of the Joint
Other areas of pressure sores include the elbows, the heels, the knees, the shoulders, the spine and the back of the skull. The application in these other sites all have in common is that the skin while applying the miracle dressing should be stretched to its maximum. So that as the patient moves that joint, it’s not going to be stretching and pulling the miracle dressing itself. We have pre-medicated the patient with agglutinant with marine extract. And now we are going to apply the miracle dressing in a stretched fashion right over the elbow.
Applying MDS to Elbow for Pressure Sore Prevention
If it is purely for preventative use, the need is one 2 by 4 Miracle Dressing which will be placed right over that pressure point. If the pressure or vulnerable skin is on the outside or inside of the elbow, then the position of placement should be on the extended arm and you can place that right over the pressure point.
It is very important to have the skin in a stretched position as you apply the Miracle Dressing.
Applying MDS to Elbow with Existing Pressure Sore
If there was a wound on either of these positions, then we would want to add a second miracle dressing overlapping a wound such as this. So that the wound itself would have a double layer of Miracle Dressing.
Applying MDS to the Knee
The knee is exactly the same as the elbow as far as placement of Miracle Dressing in the stretched position. In other words, on the sides of the knees, if our vulnerable skin or our wounds are on the inside - the medial aspect or the lateral aspect of the knee - the placement of the miracle dressing will be in the stretched position just like I am showing you here.
If the wound or vulnerable skin is over the patella - the kneecap - then we are going to need to have it in a completely flexed position like I am showing you here and placing the dressing as we did with the elbow right over the knee.
If there is a wound on either of these locations, then the Miracle Dressing will have overlapping dressings.
Applying MDS to the Heel
The heel has the same principle of placement. You want the skin to be at its most stretched position. So, if we are placing the dressing over the heel itself, then we stretch the foot in a flexed position and place the Agglutinant with Natural Marine Extract (AME) and the dressing right over this aspect of the heel.
Applying MDS to the Ankle
The ankle - we want it in the most stretched position in its extended form. So, if we had a pressure sore over the medial aspect of the ankle or the lateral aspect of the ankle, we would apply the AME over this area and have the strip of Miracle Dressing right over that pressure point.
Applying MDS to the Scalp
Other areas of pressure points are the occipital portion of the scalp, the spine, the scapula and the shoulder. These exposed areas can have boney prominences that could create vulnerability or actual wounds. To heal those wounds or to prevent pressure injuries, the Miracle Dressing after the AME is placed, should be placed on the skin at its maximal stretching. In other words, for the occipital scalp, you would need to go ahead and trim all the hair in that area. The AME would be placed, and you would go ahead and place Miracle Dressing over the wound or vulnerable skin.
Applying MDS to the Spine
On the spine, if you have a spiney prominence, you would again stretch the skin and place the agglutinant. I like on the spine to place the dressing in a vertical fashion. Scapula, as you can see, sometimes can have boney prominences also. In stretching the skin and placing the dressing in the direction of the injury or vulnerable skin will be essential.
Applying MDS to the Shoulders
Shoulders, the same way, you want to have it in the complete stretched position, placing it in this form that I am showing you and so when that person moves, they basically will have folding of the dressing and not ripping of the dressing.
Applying MDS to the Lateral Hip (Trochanter) and Buttocks
Another area of pressure injury is the lateral hip or trochanter and the buttocks. And in both of these situations, I like to use the vertical placement of the dressing to protect vulnerable skin and to help heal wound skin or damaged skin. Remember when you have a wound you want to overlap the dressing to maximize the benefit. And remember when you place the agglutinant with marine extract, the placement is going to sting the patient until the agglutinant dries. But it is very important to have the agglutinant on the wound, because the marine extracts will help heal it.
When You Require Different Shaped Miracle Dressings
There are going to be times when placing Miracle Dressing on different patients will require different shapes of Miracle Dressing.
To do that depending on the shape that is necessary to provide the protection over a pressure injury, you will cut the Miracle Dressing to the appropriate size and remove the backing as such.
The other half of that cut now has no tab to remove the backing, so a simple scotch tape to a corner of the miracle tape to lift that backing off as I am showing you here.
The Miracle Dressing can be cut to any shape or size and it’s one of the advantages of having the expanded kit which has 4 four by six inch Miracle Dressings and 4 two by four Miracle Dressings.